Tailwind Tribes helped me double my blog traffic in the month of June.
Tailwind and Tailwind Tribes are such a huge driver of traffic for my website that I decided to share step-by-step how it works.
After writing a post on how to skyrocket your blog traffic using Tailwind, some of my readers wanted to know which Tribes I am a part of that get such great results.
So, today I want to share the best Tailwind Tribes for bloggers that are working for me right now.
Before I share a list of the Tailwind Tribes, let me discuss what they are and how they work.
What are Tailwind Tribes?
Tailwind Tribes are collaborative groups that bloggers use to share their content and discover other people’s content.
They function in the same way Pinterest group boards do. The only difference is, all the activities take place in the Tailwind app.
Tailwind is free to join and Tailwind Tribes are free, as well. You can access 5 Tribes totally free and get 30 submissions per month. But, you can upgrade later on if you wish to do so.
My results were so amazing that I decided to get a power-up. Power-ups are the Tailwind Tribe subscription packages that you buy if you want to increase the number of Tribes you get access to and the number of submissions you get each month. More on this later.
Need a Tribes power-up?
Click here to see Tailwind Tribes pricing and get a power-up!
How Do Tailwind Tribes Work?
For you to get access to Tailwind Tribes, you must have a Tailwind account.
I’m assuming you do, but if you don’t you can get one here.
Once you get inside the Tailwind dashboard, you will see a section on the left that says “Tribes”. Click on it and it will show you all the Tribes you are a part of. If you’re not a member of any Tribes, no problem. I’ll help you get some right away.
Click on “Find a Tribe” as can be seen below.
The next page will give you a search bar to use to search for Tribes in any niche you want.
Personally, I’m part of Tribes related to work from home, make money online, side hustles and blogging.
As an example, I did a search for all the blogging Tribes. See the image below.
As you can see above, I’m already a part of Bloggers Unite Tribe and Bloggers Killing It on Pinterest Tribes. That’s why it’s saying “Already a Member” This means that I’m actively sharing my content and re-sharing other people’s content.
But if you are new, you will see either a “Request to Join” button or a “Join Now” button. Request to join means that you have to send the Tribe owner a message requesting to join. Join now button means you get instant access.
I would love to discuss further about using Tribes, but this will fill a whole post. So, I’ve decided to write another post explaining all this in detail.
Watch out for that future post!
Now, let’s go straight to the Tribes!
Related: Best Facebook Groups for Bloggers to Get Traffic for Free
The Best Tailwind Tribes to Explode Blog Traffic
#1. Bloggers Killing It On Pinterest
This is an amazing Tribe run by Jennifer of the Art of Better. It has grown to 2K+ members with a potential reach of 460+ million. You get to share content from any niche.
- This Tribe is for bloggers who are using quality photography, vertical pins, clear wording & a well-designed image standard on Pinterest to support one another.
- This is a 1:1 tribe! If you save one to the tribe, you MUST schedule at least one from the tribe! This is monitored and anyone not reciprocating will be removed without warning. Tribes only work if everyone plays fair!
Click here to Join Bloggers Killing It On Pinterest
Related: How to Get More Followers on Pinterest
#2. Bloggers Unite Tribe
This Tribe is run by Lyndsay of Fizzy Peaches . It has 1.9K members with a potential reach of 520+ million. This is a place to share your fabulous content from any niche and help each other out!
- Pin any of your blog pins here.
- Please share other peoples pins, for every 1 pin you share, make sure you add at least 2 pins from other bloggers to your queue.
Click here to Join Bloggers Unite Tribe
#3. Striving Bloggers
This Tribe has 1.3k members with a potential reach of 519 million. You are free to share your pins in any niche, as well.
- Pin any of your pins here that you want promoted.
- Also, remember to share other people’s stuff. Pin at least 1 pin for someone else that you pin to the group.
Click here to Join Striving Bloggers
#4. All Niches! Promote, Grow & Learn
This is a Tribe perfect for all niches. Whether you are a fashion blogger, a lifestyle blogger or a niche blogger, this is the perfect place to share your content and rediscover other people’s content
- You do NOT need to submit pins, but you MUST RE-SHARE PINS.
- Pin 1 re-share 1
- Limit your pins to 5 per day.
- Do not pin the same pin more than twice in 14-days
- Remain active; Tribers with no activity after 14-days will be kicked out
- All pins MUST have a description of at least one sentence.
- Be transparent and no spamming.
Click here to Join All Niches! Promote, Grow & Learn
#5. HerPaper Route Hive – All Niches!
This is a Tribe created by Chelsea Clarke of HerPaper Route blog. You are free to share content from all niches. It has grown to 1.3K+ members with a potential reach of 270+ million.
- For every 1 pin you post, please re-pin 2 from other Tribe members
Click here to Join Herpaper Route Hive – All Niches!
#6. Work From Home Tribe
This Tribe is perfect for sharing your pins related to work from home ideas, self-employment ideas, work at home mom help, blogging tips and entrepreneurship tips. It has 134 members with a potential reach of 40 million.
- Leave one, share one. If you break this rule you’ll be removed without warning.
- High-quality rectangle pins only. All others will be deleted.
- Off-topic pins will be deleted.
 Click here to Join Work From Home
#7. Everything Money Tribe
This Tribe is perfect for topics related to making money, saving money, investing and getting out of debt. If you write about recipes and parenting hacks, you are welcome to share here but keep it to moderation. It has 142 members with a potential reach of 13+ million.
- Try not to post three or more posts in a row. Either, wait until someone posts in between or wait a few hours.
Click here to Join Everything Money Tribe
#8. Bloggers Chalkboard
This Tribe is perfect for you if you write about blogging tips, social media tips, monetization methods and email list building.
- Quality blogging pins only – including social media, monetization, list building, all the good stuff.
- No duplicates please. Share your new content or from your archives, but only if you haven’t shared it here before
- Add a maximum of 5 pins per day. Please don’t just join and flood the Tribe
- Please share at least one pin for each you add to the Tribe. Tribes are about collaboration and boosting each other up.
- AND FINALLY – no affiliate pins, off topic pins and duplicates. Zero strike policy – offenders will be removed immediately.
Click here to Join Bloggers Chalkboard
#9. Blogging Resources
Feel free to share all your blogging pins here.
- Pins only relating to blogging please – so no cooking pins or how to knit etc.
- 1:1 ratio please. If your submitted number is higher than your share number you will be removed without warning. I will and am actively deleting all pins that are not to do with blogging. Any lurkers not contributing will be removed also.
#10. Business Blogging Tips – Promote Your Blog
You can share all your content related to growing a blog, blog promotion, blog income reports, online business and finances.
- Pin 2 pins and re-pin 3 of other content in the tribe. If you do not, you will be removed
#11. Profitable Blogging Tips
Join the Tribe and share your content related to blogging. These include: blog income reports, blog productivity, blogging tips and blog monetization.
- Please stay on topic and share at least one pin for every pin you post.
#12. All About Money
Just like the name of the Tribe suggests, this is a Tribe all about money. We are talking budgeting, getting out of debt, personal finance and saving money.
- Good quality, tall photos only
- Please avoid only self-promoting and share the love
- For every pin you leave, re-pin someone else’s content.
- Failure to follow these rules will result in being booted from the group. I cull the group every month.
Click here to Join All About Money
#13. All About $
A Tribe for topics relating to making money, saving money, side hustles, and anything financially-related.
- Please only post vertical pins that provide a direct link to the post.
- No profanity/nudity of any kind.
- Maintain a 1:1 ratio: Pin other Tribe members quality content to your Pinterest boards
- For every 1 of your pins that you share, please pin at least 1 other pin from the Tribe
- (Members who only promote their own content without re-pinning others’ posts will be removed)
- Do NOT Spam the Tribe with a bunch of Affiliate Links! No more than a few a month will be tolerated.
Click here to Join All About $ Tribe
#14. Millennial Lifestyle
If you write about finances, traveling, relationships, career, money or education, feel free to join this tribe.
- Must repin 2 posts for every post you do
- No recipes, politics or irrelevant posts, please
- Vertical pins only.
- And no affiliate pins to a specific product allowed.
Click here to Join Millennial Lifestyle
#15. The Millennial Life
This Tribe is all about side hustles, investing, networking, or millennial life career development.
- Please keep a 2:1 ratio with your pins. For every pin you submit, please share. Failure to keep this ratio could have you removed from the Tribe without warning.
- No direct to affiliate links – round ups are okay. Direct links from shop-style, share-a-sale, Awin, etc will get you removed from the Tribe without warning
- Please no food pins
- Please no Mommy related pins
Click here to Join The Millennial Life
Final Thoughts
And there you have it, folks! A list of 15 top tailwind Tribes that you can join today and explode your website traffic.
Like I mentioned earlier, Tailwind Tribes can drive massive amounts of traffic to your website and boost engagement if you know how to use them.
I will be writing another post in the near future detailing how to find the right Tribes, how to join, how to message Tribe owners (admins) if you get the “Request to Join” button. So, stay tuned!
Have you used Tailwind Tribes before? Do you know someone who is using them currently? Are there others that I should add to this list? I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below.
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